Supported data sources

SMF record types

General SMF record types

Processing from z/OS version 1.9

Record typeSubtypeDescriptionComments
0n/aIPLReady for z/OS V2R1 since Sep 2014
2n/aDump HeaderReady for z/OS V2R1 since Sep 2014
3n/aDump TrailerReady for z/OS V2R1 since Sep 2014
6allJES Output WriterReady for z/OS V2R1 since Sep 2014
7n/aData LostReady for z/OS V2R1 since Sep 2014
14n/aINPUT or RDBACK Data Set ActivityReady for z/OS V2R1 since Sep 2014
15n/aOUTPUT or RDBACK Data Set ActivityReady for z/OS V2R1 since Sep 2014
17n/aScratch Data Set StatusReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
18n/aRename Non-VSAM Data Set StatusReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
21n/aError Statistics by VolumeReady for z/OS V2R1 since Oct 2014
26allJES Job PurgeReady for z/OS V2R1 since Nov 2014
30allCommon Address Space WorkReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
421, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 42, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24 and 25DFSMS statistics and configurationReady for z/OS V2R1 since Nov 2014
50n/aVTAM Tuning StatisticsReady for z/OS V2R1 since Jan 2015 (No changes)
61n/aIntegrated Catalog Facility Define ActivityReady for z/OS V2R1 since Jan 2015 (No changes)
65n/aIntegrated Catalog Facility Delete ActivityReady for z/OS V2R1 since Jan 2015 (No changes)
66n/aIntegrated Catalog Facility Alter ActivityReady for z/OS V2R1 since Jan 2015 (No changes)
70allRMF Processor ActivityReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
71allRMF Paging ActivityReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
72allWorkload Activity, Storage Data, and Serialization DelayReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
73allRMF Channel Path ActivityReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
74allRMF Activity of Several ResourcesReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
75allRMF Page Data Set ActivityReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
77allRMF Enqueue ActivityReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
78allRMF Virtual Storage and I/O Queuing ActivityReady for z/OS V2R3 since Feb 2019
88allSystem Logger DataReady for z/OS V2R1 since Feb 2015
89allUsage DataReady for z/OS V2R1 since Feb 2015
113allHardware capacity, reporting, and statisticsReady for z/OS V2R1 since Jan 2015
1191, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 119, 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 70 and 72TCP/IP StatisticsReady for z/OS V2R1 since Mar 2015

Special SMF record types


Processing from DB2 version 9 (ready for DB2 V10 since Sep 2013, for DB2 V11 since Apr 2015)
IFCID = Instrumentation Facility Component Identifier

Record typeSubtypeDescriptionComments
100DB2 Statistics
100n/a0001System Statistics
100n/a0002DB2 Statistics
100n/a0202Buffer Manager Dynamic Pool Attributes
100n/a0225System Storage Usage
100n/a0230Group Buffer Pool Attributes
101DB2 Accounting
101n/a0239Overflow Package/DBRM
102DB2 Monitor-, Audit- and Performance-Record
102n/a0105DBID/OBID Translation
102n/a0106System Parameters
102n/a0199Buffer Pool Statistics at Data Set Level
102n/a0250Connect/Rebuild Connect/Disconnect GroupBpool
102n/a0254Coupling Facility Cache Structure Statistics
102n/a0258Data Set Extend Activity
102n/a0261Group Buffer Pool Checkpoint
102n/a0313Uncommitted Unit of Recovery


CICS/ESA Statistics. Processing from CICS TS version 3.1 (ready for CICS TS version 4.2 since Jan 2013, for CICS TS version 5.2 since July 2015).

Record typeSubtypeDescriptionComments
1100n/aCICS Journal Record
1101n/aCICS Monitoring Record
1102CICS Statistics Record
1102005SMD – Domain Subpool Storage Statistics
1102010XMGDS – Transaction Manager Global Stats
1102011XMRDS – Transaction Manager Transaction Stats
1102012XMCDS – Transaction Manager Tclass Stats
1102025LDRDS – Loader statistics for (public) programs
1102028DBU – DBCTL unsolicited statistics
1102034A06 – Terminal statistics
1102042TQR – Transient data statistics
1102060DSG – CICS Dispatcher Statistics (TCB Mode Statistics and TCB Pool Statistics)
1102062DSG – CICS Dispatcher Statistics (TCB Mode Statistics and TCB Pool Statistics)
1102065DSRDS – Dispatcher MVS TCB Resource Stats
1102067A17 – File control statistics
1102076A20 – ISC/IRC mode entry statistics
1102081MNG – Monitoring domain statistics
1102082MNT – Transaction monitoring data
1102103D2RDS – CICS/DB2 Resource statistics


Processing from MQ version 6.0.0 (ready for MQ version 7.1.0 since Nov 2013, for MQ version 8.0.0 since June 2015)

Record typeSubtypeDescriptionComments
1151, 2 und 231MQ Statistics
1160, 1 und 2MQ Accounting


Processing from IMS version 10.1

Record typeSubtypeDescriptionComments
7n/aApplication Program Terminated
8n/aApplication Program Scheduled
65n/aBatch/BMP Program issued a Checkpoint
69alleCheckpoint Statistics
86250IMS External Subsystem Log Records
1031, 5, 208, 255Service Trace RecordFrom subtype 208 only subtype id 12 is processed


Processing from IMF version 4.3 (ready for IMF version 5.1 since Nov 2015)

Record typeSubtypeDescriptionComments
249n/aIMF Program Log Record
250n/aIMF Transaction Log Record

Further SMF record types

Record typeSubtypeDescriptionComments
128n/aRecord Type „SAS Info“Default Record Type: 128, processing as of SAS Version 6
238n/aRecord Type „MXG Tape Mount MonitorDefault Record Type: 238, processing as of MXG version ‚ML-46
n/a0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 20, 21, 40, 41, 42Record Type „BETA 93“Default Record Type: N/A, processing as of Beta 93 Version 4.2
n/an/aRecord Type „BMC Control-D“Default Record Type: N/A, processing as of Control-D Release 5.1.4
n/a1, 2Record Type „Cross Sysplex Manager“Default Record Type: N/A, processing as of CSM version 1.6.3
199n/aRecord Type „Unicenter CA-TSO/MON Command“Default Record Type: 199, processing as of CA TSO/MON version 6.2
200n/aRecord Type „Unicenter CA-TSO/MON System“Default Record Type: 200, processing as of CA TSO/MON version 6.2
n/an/aRecord Type „INFOPAC RDS“Default Record Type: N/A, processing from Infopac Version 6.3 Manufacturer: Fa. Mobius, RDS = Report Distribution System
n/an/aRecord Type „Omegamon II for SMS“Default Record Type: N/A, processing from Omegamon version ‚DF 550‘.
240n/aRecord Type „HSM Daily Statistics“Default Record Type: 240, IBM DFSMShsm, HSM = Hierarchical Storage Management, processing as of z/OS Version 1.9
241n/aRecord Type „HSM Function Statistics“Default Record Type: 241, IBM DFSMShsm, HSM = Hierarchical Storage Management, processing as of z/OS version 1.9Andere Record Typen

General record types

Record typeSubtypeDescriptionComments
20, 21, 30, 31, 32, 33n/aRecord Type BVIRHISTBVIR = Bulk Volume Information Retrieval processing from BVIR History File version 1.6 (ready for version 3.2 since Oct 2015)
CACHE CONTENTSn/aRecord Type BVIRRESPBVIR = Bulk Volume Information Retrieval processing as of BVIR Response FileVersion 3.2>
n/an/aRecord Type CADISKSRProcessing from version r12.5
n/an/aRecord Type DCOLLECTIBM DFSMS Data Collection Facility. Processing from z/OS version 1.11
n/an/aRecord Type EREP/EREPLISTEREP = Environmental Record Editing and Printing Program. Processing as of EREP version v3.5
n/an/aRecord Type NMONNMON = Nigel’s Monitor Processing as of NMON Version 12a
n/an/a<Record Type RMMIBM DFSMSrmm Extract Dataset, RMM = Removable Media Management. Processing from z/OS version 1.11
n/an/aRecord Type SYSLOG
n/an/aRecord Type CA1TMSProcessing as of CA1/TMS version 5.1
800RMF Distributed Data Server (DDS), Base Section
801RMF Distributed Data Server (DDS), CPC< Data Section
802RMF Distributed Data Server (DDS), Partition Data Section
803RMF Distributed Data Server (DDS), MVS Data Section