Full perspective for your decisions!
Change the point of view!
LARS lets you process log data, events and other control information across your company.
In contrast to classic BI tools such as JANE, I offer an API that can be used to transport data. This means that I provide a central interface for company-wide data collection. All applications can offload their logfiles and other internal structures to me. These will be collected in a central data store.
I also store unstructured data and can analyze it in real time.
The persistence
I use Elastic Search as a data store. This product is now well known and popular in many companies, so that corresponding know-how is usually available. Elastic Search is mostly used because of its powerful full-text search function, which allows to execute high-performance search queries across large datasets and file boundaries. I populate its data store with new data in real time. In a specific use case, 250 million records are currently loaded into the data store every day.
Real-time evaluation
LARS customers use the data deposited in the central data store to monitor their most important sub-processes. The LARS dataset is used, for example, to determine the „health“ of applications or to get a grip on problem situations across applications.
LARS provides far more information than usual business intelligence systems and supports users in the analysis of business processes and big data. Due to the specific architecture of LARS, results for business decisions can be made available in real time.
Real-time analysis
LARS is fast, very fast. The preparation of data for use by the user happens so rapidly that we speak of real-time analysis. This qualifies LARS for monitoring critical business processes where availability and speed are important.
Full-text search
Everyone knows how to use a search engine to get the results they expect. By integrating Elastic Search as a full-text search engine, these possibilities are now extended to your datasets stored by LARS. This capability massively increases the usefulness of your datasets.
Data collection
As a central tool for collecting all kinds of data, LARS provides an API that can be integrated into applications, allowing them to send their messages to the central data store. Additionally, LARS can also actively collect data from your source systems.
Monitoring of core applications
By merging log files and datasets from different source systems in a central data store, a completely new perspective on business processes becomes possible. The focus is no longer on individual components or applications, but rather on an overview of processes and their states. At the same time, the LARS data stock can be used for evaluations of all kinds, for example the analysis of error situations or forensic analysis.
You want to learn more about LARS?
Contact us!