
Mainframe und die Open World

Veröffentlicht am: 19 Mai, 2022
Veröffentlicht von: Piero Faieta
Mainframe und die Open World

The mainframe is dead, long live the mainframe

The mainframe and the open world. Although the mainframe has been considered old-fashioned and outdated for many years, many companies cannot imagine IT without it. The advantages are obvious:

  • A maximum of availability and performance
  • Very high security
  • stable, mature operating system environment

For the above reasons, the use of mainframes is still the method of choice, especially in business critical areas where sensitive data is processed and/or values are transferred.

No medal without a back

However, Security and stability come at a price: Connecting the centralized and decentralized worlds is usually not possible or only with a great deal of effort.

So what can be done when data for processes is needed that is only available decentrally? As an example, master data that is held in a central system such as ServiceNow, but is also required periodically on the mainframe for processing operations?

Authentification procedures as an obstacle

In the decentralized world, authentification mechanisms such as Kerberos, certificate-based processes or, in the simplest case, username-password procedures are being used to protect sensitive resources. Often, the use of these procedures alone prevents the mainframe from accessing decentralized databases.

The solution

NextStride’s LARS client provides a means to solve this problem. The software acts as a middleman between the worlds, as a gateway which knows the communication procedures and protection mechanisms of the decentralized world on the one hand and speaks the language of the mainframe on the other. In this way, it is easy to make data from the decentralized world available to the host.

And what if mainframe data is needed decentrally?

In this case, too, the LARS client is the tool of choice, because what works in the direction of the mainframe also works the other way around. Decentralized systems can be treated by the tool both as a source and as a sink.

Der Mainframe und die Open World

Der Mainframe und die Open World

Which protocols are supported?

By default, the LARS client handles the following protocols:


The LARS client is extensible. This means that required interfaces, which are not included in the standard, can be created to increase the software’s capabilities and adapt it to the needs.


Data can be made available transiently on the mainframe in DB2 tables or even datasets using the LARS client from a wide variety of platforms.

NextStride AG - Software made in Switzerland - Piero Faieta
Piero Faieta

Piero ist ein langjähriger Next Stride Mitarbeiter. Unseren Kunden Mehrwert zu bieten ist sein oberstes Ziel. Als Servicemanager entwickelt er unter anderem anspruchsvolle Standardreports und implementiert individuelle Lösungen für unsere Kunden.

Autor: Piero Faieta

Piero ist ein langjähriger Next Stride Mitarbeiter. Unseren Kunden Mehrwert zu bieten ist sein oberstes Ziel. Als Servicemanager entwickelt er unter anderem anspruchsvolle Standardreports und implementiert individuelle Lösungen für unsere Kunden.